Rookie Mag and College thoughts

It's almost the end of my first semester at UNT. It's unbelievable how much art work I've created in just a couple of months including design sculptures, figure drawings, still-life pastel work, photography collections, and other projects. 

I definitely love this school more than I should. Right now I need to stay focused even though it's almost the end of the year. I think it can be easy to slack off and especially right now since I started watching the Office. Sometimes I wonder how I am keeping a social life while worrying about all these projects. Low key.. I do lose my sanity sometimes and resort to procrastination and video games. Journaling helps my mind when I feel fed up at home.

Rookie podcasts are really keeping me happy though and I NEVER listen to podcasts. Ever. If you don't know what Rookie is, it's an amazing website that I found online that was created by a woman named Tavi Gevinson. Tavi is a big inspiration for me, because she has helped women understand that they can be whoever they want to be even if society tries to push them down. I feel like one day I would love to work for the magazine or create illustrations for their books.

The site is sort of aimed for teenage girls but I still read it even though I'm 20 since it's still really interesting and helpful for me. There's also lots of art and comics that interest me whenever I feel like having eye-candy or inspiration.

Update on School Projects for Drawing Class

Hello everyone! I created an amazing post that I wanted to share a second ago. It disappeared because I accidentally exed out the tab. It was a long post too... I am so frustrated right now. It was about college, my art projects, and my biggest inspiration. Wish that I didn't lose that post.

Currently, I am working on a pastel drawing that includes mainly primary colors. Simultaneously, I'm planning to begin a self portrait for Drawing 2. I'm choosing to transform myself into an owl because they are one of my favorite animals of all time, they are night creatures (like myself), they have big eyes like me, and they are just so beautiful and overall cute. Owls are supposed to represent intelligence or something like that. I feel like I can be very intelligent but also very slow. Everything I do takes a lot of thought. Anyways, I don't know if I can connect to owls on a spiritual level, but that's what the internet said when I took the "What's Your Spirit Animal?" quiz.

Design Project 3

Created a sculpture out of balsa wood. Painted it a dark purple to represent royalty, because our teacher assigned us a word that we are supposed to describe through our sculpture design. My word was "distinguished", which means authoritative, successful, or commanding great respect. I got that off of google. (Hehe)

Update: I got a good grade on this project, but there were so many other projects that were better than mine. Now I wish that I had made it more interesting. I'm still proud of this little sculpture. It's sitting on my dresser in San Antonio.